September 2024 Prayer Calendar

September 2024 Prayer Calendar
September 2024
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Click here for the September-October calendar including articles.
In September, we are praying for Central Asia, the Middle East and North Africa! Please pray…
1. Lord, you sent Jesus so that we may be set free. Sustain all the work on behalf of all those ensnared in human trafficking so that they may be set free physically and spiritually. (Luke 4:18-19)
2. Lord, help men in Turkmenistan to treat their wives with love, kindness and fidelity. Give encouragement to women who are lacking these from their spouses. (Eph. 5:25)
3. Lord, we ask that church leaders in Kazakhstan would be united in you. Enable them to cooperate with each other and solve their disagreements with grace. (1 Cor. 1:10)
4. God grant safety and dignity to Moroccan women facing societal and cultural challenges. May they have opportunities to receive educational and vocational training. (Isa. 41:10)
5. Father, please protect those in Uzbekistan who are victims of sexual and physical abuse within their families. Grant them resilience to overcome this evil. (2 Sam. 22:3-4)
6. Father, may our Middle East teams have a positive impact through their digital platforms in empowering Arab women with wisdom and strength through the Word of God. (Prov. 31:25)
7. Lord, ease the suffering and give hope to families in Kyrgyzstan who are separated due to immigration. May the women and children be cared and provided for. (Rom. 12:12)
8. Father, bring salvation to women in Tajikistan. May they seek love, hope, faith and help from Jesus Christ. (Ps. 121:1)
9. Lord, we pray for marriages affected by separation, divorce and alcoholism in Karakalpakstan. Please heal these marriages and restore these couples. (Matt. 19:6)
10. God, may Turkish churches shine in these difficult times during which many have turned away from you. May Turkish Christians reflect God in their relationships so that their communities are touched by you. (Dan. 12:3)
11. Lord, may women in Northern Cyprus look to you for the provision of good jobs and sufficient income. (Phil 4:19)
12. God, many women in Turkmenistan perform black magic for healing or on their husband’s behalf. May they learn the truth and be free from the powers of darkness. (Deut. 18:10-12)
13. Father, we pray that the faith of new believers in Kazakhstan will be strengthened and that they will trust the Lord with all their hearts. (1 Cor. 16:13)
14. Merciful God, please provide protection, justice and healing for women in Oman who face gender-based violence. (Prov. 18:10)
15. Lord, we pray that the women of Uzbekistan would recognize their true identity and value in you despite the negative attitudes of some of their husbands and others. (Gen. 1:27)
16. God, bring salvation to the younger generations in Kyrgyzstan. May they desire to follow you wholeheartedly, not because of tradition but out of relationship with you. (Matt. 3:8-10)
17. God, we pray for the Tajik girls and women who have no access to education because of cultural and religious traditions and who have no voice in their families or society. (Ps. 32:8)
18. Father, we ask that women in Karakalpakstan be freed from the feelings of guilt they suffer in the belief that they are not good enough as wives or mothers. (Ps. 31:1)
19. God, we pray for spiritual awakening and growth among Tunisian women in the church and for Egyptian female church leaders to be strengthened and encouraged. (2 Pet. 3:18)
20. Father, we pray for bonds of trust within Christian families in Türkiye. May your Spirit unite them in love. (Col. 3:14)
21. God, bring hope, healing and provision to Lebanese women affected by the ongoing economic crisis. May the gospel reach those who do not know you and bring them true peace. (Ps. 34:18)
22. Lord, we ask that you help the women of Karakalpakstan to make you a priority in their lives and to attend worship regularly despite other commitments. (Heb. 10:25)
23. Praise God for a law passed in Kazakhstan to stop domestic violence. If a wife reports abuse to the authorities today, the abuser likely will be punished. (Col. 3:19)
24. Lord, grant protection and courage to women in the Middle East who are advocating for their basic human rights. May our teams reach them with the gospel so they may find true freedom in you. (Josh. 1:9)
25. Heavenly Father, please give wisdom and courage to believers in Uzbekistan in sharing the gospel. Lead them to those who are open to you. (James 1:5)
26. Lord, give wisdom to the leaders of Kyrgyzstan so they may transform the educational and medical systems to help the needy. (1 Kings 3:9)
27. We pray for spiritual growth and fellowship among Jordanian women believers. Lord, may they be filled with your Word and share its truths with women in their communities. (Col. 1:10)
28. God, please keep safe and make provision for widows and single mothers in the war-torn areas of Yemen. May Christians there find their strength and hope in you. (Ps. 91:1-2)
29. Father, strengthen the Tajik women who live in villages and are persecuted by their families because of their faith in Christ. (Matt. 5:11)
30. We pray that those suffering physically and spiritually in Türkiye will find healing and life in you, Lord. May the hurting be set free from all that ensnares them. (Rom. 8:2)