Praying for Revival in Japan

Praying for Revival in Japan
After I received a year of training in South Korea, the TWR Women of Hope ministry in Japan was launched in March 2022. We began with a prayer ministry, published a prayer calendar each month and uploaded those prayer requests each day onto social media. Recently, we have redesigned the calendar into a beautiful colour version, organized the prayer requests by country and included information from each country along with a regional map.
Transcending national and ethnic boundaries, sisters come together as one in the Lord for our TWR Women of Hope monthly prayer meetings. As we pray, we are on fire with the Holy Spirit and with God's love for each other and the world. The women are encouraged and feel the genuine power of our prayers. As we pray for each other and share our personal testimonies and requests, we connect and grow alongside one another.
One time we prayed for the health of a friend. Months later, the friend became well and began helping our ministry and joined our prayer meeting. Praise the Lord! God indeed listens to every prayer. We are to be "praying at all times in the Spirit, with all prayer and supplication. To that end, keep alert with all perseverance, making supplication for all the saints," the Apostle Paul reminds us in Ephesians 6:18. Prayer is our main work, and we pray unceasingly for women in the world who need our God and for God to expand this circle of prayer.
In October 2022, the Women of Hope program began airing on 11 community FM stations throughout Japan as well as via YouTube. To commemorate this milestone, we held a worship service of thanksgiving in November with guests coming from South Korea. We had a blessed time of worship and fellowship with the hosts, program teams, volunteers and supporters.
TWR Women of Hope Japan has received many responses to the program, the listeners saying they look forward to listening to it every week. Another shared, "It is easy to understand. The content is excellent for evangelism and for personal sharing." And another observed, "I liked the theme about fear. I enjoy listening to different themes from women's perspectives."
The translation, production and prayer teams, along with the program hosts, are active in prayer, in their local churches and in personal evangelism. Our volunteers tell us that their faith is deepening and that their prayers are being answered. As we seek to do God’s will, we work hard to expand the ministry and wish to further publicize the Women of Hope program.
Would you please pray for us and join with us in praying for revival in Japan?