October Prayer Calendar 2024

October Prayer Calendar 2024
October 2024
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Click here for the September-October calendar including articles.
In October, we are praying for Central Asia, the Middle East and North Africa! Please pray…
1. God, we ask that the women who practice the occult in Karakalpakstan find their salvation and deliverance in Christ and turn to you as their source of strength. (Lev. 19:31)
2. Bring hope and strength, Lord, to young Tajik girls who are forced to marry against their will and to women who must become second or third wives of polygamists in order to survive. (1 Pet. 3:7)
3. Thank you, Father, that people who belong to other religions are listening to our programs in Kyrgyzstan. May your truth set them free and bring blessing to their families. (John 8:32)
4. Lord, help single moms in Kazakhstan find opportunities to work to provide for themselves and their families through honest labour. (Col. 3:23)
5. We pray for your protection and support, Father, over refugee women in Jordan. Lead them to your hope, peace and stability as they settle into their new communities. (Matt. 11:28)
6. Lord, we ask that you provide a way for believers in Turkmenistan to attend home groups and continue in the faith even when they face opposition from unbelievers. (Acts 2:42)
7. God, we ask that parents in Uzbekistan seek you for wisdom as they raise and discipline their children according to your Word. (Prov. 22:6)
8. Lord, we pray for protection and support for women in Egypt and Tunisia experiencing gender-based violence, domestic violence and abuse. (Ps. 9:9)
9. Father, we ask that you prepare the Church to be a place of refuge and hope for broken-hearted women in Northern Cyprus. (Ps. 147:3)
10. We pray for Christians in Türkiye who are being targeted for their faith. Lord, please give our brothers and sisters courage and peace like Daniel and protect them from whatever lions they encounter. (Dan. 6:22)
11. God, we pray for the continuity and sustainability of our Middle East teams’ digital platforms. Grant our teams wisdom and favour as they establish relationships with their audiences. (Ps. 90:17)
12. Lord, break the spiritual strongholds of the people of Uzbekistan and help them discern and resist Satan’s tactics with courage and resolve. (James 4:7)
13. Father, please strengthen and protect women in Bahrain who face societal pressures and discrimination because of their Christian faith. (Ps. 27:1)
14. God, we pray that you would restore relationships between mothers-in-law and daughters-in-law in Karakalpakstan. May they accept and love each other. (2 Cor. 13:11)
15. Father, may Syrian women come to experience the love and peace of Christ amid the turmoil of their nation’s conflict. Comfort those who mourn and protect and provide for those who are displaced. (Ps. 23:4)
16. Lord, guide and give wisdom to leaders in Türkiye during this difficult economic time. A doctor shortage is occurring as physicians are moving abroad for financial reasons. (Isa. 30:21)
17. God, please equip believers in Kyrgyzstan to share your love and truth with unbelievers around them. May people hunger and thirst for you and your Word. (Acts 1:8)
18. Lord, bring safety to Tajik women who suffer domestic violence from their husbands and in-laws. May men who don’t respect women have a change of heart. (Isa. 60:18)
19. Father, bless, protect and unite Christian families in Kyrgyzstan, and empower them to be strong against adversity. Help wives learn to pray and fast for their families. (Prov. 31:10)
20. God, help us to reach women in conservative communities in Qatar with the gospel. May they come to know you and see the true value you have given them. (Eph. 2:10)
21. Father, may those considering divorce in Turkmenistan have a change of heart and seek restoration in their marriage relationships. (Heb. 13:4)
22. God, may the unemployed in Turkmenistan gain the skills needed to secure jobs and provide for their families. (Prov. 16:3)
23. Father, grant wisdom to our TWR Women of Hope teams in Central Asia to help post-abortive women find healing and to bring the good news of Christ to their people. (Prov. 2:6)
24. Lord God, may believers in Uzbekistan serve God with a dedicated heart and remain firm in their faith despite opposition from their families. (1 Cor.15:58)
25. Lord, give Karakalpakstan leaders wisdom to improve and provide free medical services. Grant women discernment for when to seek medical help rather than practice self-treatment. (Prov. 3:13)
26. God, may single women in Türkiye find hope and encouragement in you as they provide for their families with limited resources. Multiply the little they have. (1 Kings 17:13-16)
27. Lord, raise up and strengthen believers in the United Arab Emirates to faithfully bring the gospel message to the people of this nation. (Rom. 1:16)
28. Heavenly Father, please provide godly husbands for single Christian women in Kazakhstan who want to be married and create godly families. (2 Cor. 6:14)
29. Father, keep the women in fellowship and Bible studies in Morocco safe as you grow them spiritually and in number. (Ps. 32:7)
30. Lord, protect and empower Algerian women who face societal pressure and discrimination. May they find strength and courage in their faith despite persecution. (Ps. 46:1)
31. God, may the TWR Women of Hope digital ministry called Bridge of Hope in Northern Cyprus grow to be fruitful and help those in need. (Col. 1:28)