November Prayer Calendar 2024

November Prayer Calendar 2024
November 2024
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Click here for the November-December calendar including articles.
In November, we are praying for West and Central Africa. Please pray…
1. Lord, may your Spirit strengthen the relationships among organizations battling human trafficking so they can have a greater impact. (Phil. 2:2)
2. God, strengthen women in Benin who are persecuted for their faith and have been abandoned by their husbands and families. May they hold fast to you. (1 Pet. 3:14)
3. Father, may husbands in the Central African Republic who have abandoned their pregnant wives return to care and lovingly lead their families. (Eph. 5:25)
4. God, may single women in Cote d'Ivoire gain skills and find stable jobs that provide sufficient income for their family needs. (Ps. 90:17)
5. Lord, please give Gabon's leaders wisdom so they can properly manage the country's natural wealth and sustain its resources. (Prov. 2:6)
6. Father, raise up believers in Liberia who will spiritually encourage widows, lead them to emotional healing and help them gain economic independence. (Ps. 68:5)
7. Lord, please inspire Christians seeking marriage in Mali to wait for godly spouses. May their marriages glorify you. (2 Cor. 6:14)
8. Father, deliver Nigerian youths from sinful pursuits to get rich. Help them desire the true riches found only in you. (Matt. 6:19-21)
9. God, may church members in Senegal embrace TWR Women of Hope and join in using these calendars to pray for women globally. (Col. 4:2)
10. Father, break the chains of alcohol, drugs and fornication that bind many women in Benin. May they find spiritual freedom in you. (Ps. 72:12)
11. God, may women in the Central African Republic who are treated like slaves in their marriages find freedom and strength in your presence as they trust in you. Restore their souls! (Ps. 23)
12. Lord, please give wisdom to the professional women in Côte d'Ivoire to both do their jobs and care for their families. (Prov. 3:5)
13. Father, may there be harmony and unity among the citizens of Gabon, enabling them to resolve their differences peacefully. (1 Pet. 3:8)
14. Lord, we pray for economic stability in Liberia. May its people look to you for wisdom, peace and provision of their needs. (Phil. 4:6-7)
15. God, we ask you to provide the people of Mali with an end to wars, natural disasters and other factors contributing to food insufficiency. (Phil. 4:19)
16. Father, deliver the church in Nigeria from false prophets and teachers who deceive gullible people for selfish gains. (Matt. 7:15-20)
17. Lord, raise up Christians in Benin to help homeless women. Bring real solutions to these needy women. (Matt. 25:35)
18. Father, we pray for peace and healing in the homes of women who suffer from domestic violence in Cote d'Ivoire. (John 14:27)
19. God, enable Christians in Gabon to stand for Jesus and boldly proclaim the gospel so your Word will spread through the nation. (Eph. 6:19)
20. We praise you, Lord, that our ministry in Liberia is offering education and skills training to women there. Please provide so the ministry can further develop. (Prov. 9:9)
21. Heavenly Father, we ask you to provide supplies and spiritual support for flood victims in the towns and villages of Mali. (Ps. 93:4)
22. Father, please raise godly leaders in Nigeria who will rule in fairness, shun corruption and alleviate the sufferings of the people. (Exod. 18:21)
23. Lord God, we pray that couples, especially Christians, in Côte d'Ivoire would seek reconciliation instead of divorce. (1 Thess. 3:12)
24. Father, give wisdom and creativity to Gabon’s leaders and citizens for economic development so its people may live in dignity. (Jer. 29:11)
25. Lord, may your Spirit guide all those involved in the evangelistic campaigns in Mali this winter. May many come to know you through this effort. (Acts 28:31)
26. God, please aid women in Nigeria who are abused, marginalized and exploited because of their gender. (Ps. 82:4)
27. Father, please unite churches in Liberia to be of one heart and mind, working together to reach their country for Christ. (1 Cor. 1:10)
28. Lord, we ask that Mali would become independent of outside forces seeking to dominate it. May its people turn to you for direction, peace and hope as they wait for this. (Ps. 27:14)
29. God, grant increased wisdom and discernment to Christians in Gabon. Amid mandated church closures, may believers pray for church leaders and members. (1 Cor. 12:27)
30. Lord, change men’s hearts in the Holi ethnic group of Benin who do not want their wives to be financially well-off and therefore try to impoverish them. (Ps. 103:6)