June 2024 TWR Women of Hope Prayer Calendar

June 2024 TWR Women of Hope Prayer Calendar
June 2024
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Click here for the May-June calendar including articles
In June, we are praying for Asia! Please pray...
- Lord, the illiteracy rate in Vietnam is still very high. We pray that women in this developing country will have more opportunities to learn to read and write. (Neh. 8:8)
- God, we ask that you give wisdom and discernment to our ministry team in Cambodia so they will make godly decisions. May they love, encourage and support one another and be a light in their communities. (John 13:35)
- We praise you, Lord, for donors and radio signals from KTWR on distant Guam and 80 local stations that enable millions of Indonesian women to hear the Word of God and be educated on women’s issues. (2 Cor. 9:6-7)
- God, we ask for increased economic opportunities for women in Nepal, including fair employment and entrepreneurship, so they may be financially independent. (Prov. 31:8-9)
- Father, may your truth for marriage relationships be taught in Mongolia. May husbands love and respect their wives and may wives respect and submit to their husbands. (1 Pet. 3:1-7)
- Lord, sustain and comfort single mothers in the Philippines who are working hard to provide for the needs of their children. (Isa. 41:13)
- Lord, we pray for women in Pakistan to be free from workplace harassment, unfavourable working conditions and low wages, which result in their being unable to remain in their jobs. (Prov. 22:2)
- Father, we pray for North Korean students who became Christians while studying abroad. Please keep them safe as they return home and use them to transform North Korea. (Josh. 1:9)
- God, give wisdom to the Papua New Guinea government as it combats violence and instability. May it protect women against assault, which has been increasing. (Prov. 2:6)
- Lord, protect and provide for families in Myanmar affected by ongoing military conflicts and frequent natural disasters. (Nahum 1:7)
- God, bring change to the conditions in India that contribute not only to a higher school dropout rate but also a higher death rate for girls than boys. (Prov. 18:15)
- Father, a great majority of Japanese do not believe in you but embrace the gods of Shintoism. Cause a great revival of repentance and faith throughout Japan. (Isa. 45:5-6)
- God, transform human hearts to bring about change in Malaysian law. May child marriage and gender violence end and equal pay be established for all. (Phil. 2:13)
- Lord, we ask that females in Afghanistan who have been banned from having jobs, attending school and entering public facilities will have their rights restored. (Gen.16:13)
- Almost 20 per cent of the people in China are aged 60 or over. Father, we pray for the mental health and well-being of older women in China. (Ps. 42:11)
- God, empower the believers in Singapore to advance the kingdom of God and to find their strength and joy in you even through difficulties. Please provide for their needs. (James 1:2-4)
- Praise the Lord that many women in Vietnam now know Jesus after listening to Women of Hope and recognize that they are precious in his eyes. (Isa. 43:4)
- Father, may Filipino wives and husbands learn to communicate well to strengthen their relationships. Bring deliverance to husbands who get drunk and protection to wives who are abused. (Ps. 50:5)
- Lord, provide safety and protection from violence and discrimination to women in Nepal. May they find nurturing relationships that contribute to their emotional and mental well-being. (Ps. 91:4)
- May Mongolian Christian mothers and grandmothers be strong in their faith and witness as they guide their children and grandchildren according to the Bible. (2 Tim. 1:3-5)
- As food prices rise sharply in Indonesia, poor families struggle to buy food. God, please provide for their daily needs so these families do not go hungry! (Phil. 4:19)
- Lord, as infertility is a major issue for Pakistani women, please bless them with children. May girl babies be celebrated and not be seen as a burden. (Ps. 127:3)
- Father, amid the dramatic increase in dating violence in South Korea, may men learn to respect women and have their anger and violent tendencies transformed by your Word. (2 Cor. 5:7)
- Lord, grant women in Cambodia financial stability through jobs, skills training, and fair wages. Help them to manage their resources wisely. (Eccles. 7:12)
- Father, we seek safety for women in India who are vulnerable to crime, especially in public areas like subways and deserted roads. (Isa. 25:4)
- God, help the earthquake victims in Noto Peninsula, Japan. Aid the churches in ministering to them physically and spiritually so that they may be saved. (Ps. 121:1-2)
- We praise you, Lord, for our partnership with Wantok Radio Light in Papua New Guinea. May the Holy Spirit use Women of Hope programs to strengthen listeners who struggle with temptation. (Matt. 26:41)
- God, bring peace and healing to women in Afghanistan who lost family members and property in the 2023 earthquakes. (Phil. 4:7-9)
- Lord, strengthen and protect Chinese women who have experienced physical and emotional violence from their spouses. May the police stop treating domestic violence cases as merely a family matter. (2 Sam. 22:49)
- Heavenly Father, please bless the plan of the TWR Women of Hope team in Malaysia to provide free sanitary pads to those who can’t afford them. (Deut. 15:7-8)