July 2023 Women of Hope Prayer Calendar

July 2023 Women of Hope Prayer Calendar
July 2023
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Click here for the July-August calendar including articles.
In July, we are praying for East and Southern Africa! Please pray...
- Father, we pray that education for girls may be a priority in Tsholotsho, Zimbabwe and that they are not married off at an early age. (Prov. 9:9)
- Lord, provide audio Bibles for women in Maasai land in Tanzania who can’t read but love to learn your Word. (Ps. 119:11)
- Father, use the TWR Women of Hope ministry in South Africa to draw people to you and thereby change their communities. Give government leaders wisdom as they make daily decisions for this nation. (2 Cor. 5:17)
- In you is true freedom, God. May those struggling with addiction in Malawi find their freedom in you. (John 8:36)
- May the government in Kenya pass the bill on providing free feminine hygiene products for girls. Many girls miss almost 24 weeks out of 144 weeks of class due to lack of access to pads during menstruation. (Phil. 2:4)
- We praise you, Lord, for the Women of Hope program in Ethiopia. The Word of God that is shared in the program has brought salvation and growth in believers’ lives. (Heb. 4:12)
- As food prices rise sharply in Burundi, low-income families lack the money to buy food. God, please provide for their daily needs so these families will not go hungry! (Ps. 14:6)
- Father, may the people of Zimbabwe rely on you alone rather than false prophets and false doctrines. (1 John 4:1-3)
- We pray for the launching of ministry in September on Pemba Island, Zanzibar. Lord, please provide a radio station to air Women of Hope programs there. (Rom. 10:17)
- God, we pray that you comfort women of South Africa who grieve loved ones lost to gang and drug violence, road accidents and natural disasters. (Ps. 23:4)
- Lord, we pray for economic stability for those living in Malawi. Please supply their needs. (Phil. 4:19)
- Father, we pray that young girls in Kenya would not be sexually active or given in early marriage. Early childbearing disrupts her schooling and affects the long-term health of her and her baby. (Eph. 5:1-3)
- Lord our provider, give our TWR Women of Hope leaders a strategy and donor base within Ethiopia that can supply ongoing funding for the ministry to women there. (Rom. 8:32)
- Bring healing, God, to children with disabilities in Burundi. Their families use all their money for medical care and have no funds left to survive. (Jer. 17:14)
- Father, we pray for those who destroy property and steal electrical cables in Zimbabwe. May they turn from their evil ways and toward you. (Eph. 4:28)
- God, please provide food, clothing, and radios for women in Tanzanian refugee camps. May they be able to listen to the Women of Hope programs. (Lev. 23:22)
- Father, give our leaders insight into the many ways of using small solar-powered listening devices to share our Women of Hope Xhosa programs in the Eastern Cape of South Africa. (James 1:5)
- We praise you, Lord, that you comfort those who mourn and grieve in Malawi. (Matt. 5:4)
- We cry out for rain for the people of Kenya, God. This current drought is leaving so many without access to food and water. (Isa. 44:3-4)
- Father, guide, comfort and bring peace to those who fled their homes during the war in Ethiopia yet are still having difficulty returning home and having stable, peaceful lives. (John 16:33)
- God, strengthen the poor women in the remote areas of Bujumbura, Burundi, who work tirelessly to support their children and aging parents. (Isa. 40:29-31)
- Lord, God, we ask that the men who are unemployed in Zimbabwe find jobs so they can provide for their families. (Ps. 23:1)
- Father, we pray for widows and orphans in Tanzania. Please provide them a way to receive the property they should inherit. (Ps. 146:9)
- Lord, strengthen the prayer lives of women in South Africa; teach them how to commune with you and pray according to your will. (Ps. 25:8-9)
- As the women of Malawi draw closer to you, Father, may you meet their needs and may they find their peace, love and hope in you. (Rom. 12:12)
- Lord, we pray for changes in the cultural mindset and the elimination of harmful traditions that keep girls and women in Kenya from fully engaging in education, training and good employment. (Jer. 24:7)
- Praise God for the funding and rebuilding of many schools that were destroyed in the war in northern Ethiopia. May school supplies be provided as well. (James 1:17)
- Convict the hearts of husbands who have abandoned their wives and children in Burundi, Lord. Bring your love and restoration to these families. (Ps. 27:10)
- Father, may violence be stopped in Zimbabwean schools, and may the country’s leaders gain nonviolent conflict-resolution skills to help. (Ezek. 45:9)
- God, help us to embrace humility and the valuing of others above ourselves. May we die to selfishness and pride and embrace your ways. (Col. 3:12)
- Lord, we join the people of Ethiopia in praising you for the water and electricity of the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam, which are so welcome after Ethiopia’s history of limited resources and lengthy famines. (Isa. 12:3)