Hearts for Others in Need

Hearts for Others in Need
Since its 2018 origin in the state of Abia, TWR Women of Hope’s ministry in Nigeria has been welcomed and embraced by local women and is expanding now to more than seven states across the country. Our teams are grateful for the support and assistance from so many leaders within TWR’ s ministry to this densely populated country.
Prayer is a core element of each TWR Women of Hope team in Nigeria. The teams understand the importance and need for prayer so that the global ministries may thrive. Therefore, praying through the global prayer calendar within their prayer groups is one of the main activities when these women gather. After printing and distributing the prayer calendars throughout the nation, the ministry often hears positive responses from those who receive them.
When the groups meet for corporate prayer and fellowship, they also plan how they will reach out to women in their respective areas. Often they partner with other Christian organizations to reach as many people as possible with the hope and peace to be found through the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ.
One way to minister to their surrounding communities is to provide free medical care for women who can’t afford it themselves. Another example of outreach is the training of women to make soap and household items by hand. This enables them to provide for themselves and their families. Programs reach across cultures in all parts of Nigeria, even into the rural areas.
An important area of service to women is ministering to those living in camps for internally displaced people in northern Nigeria. These camps have been set up by the government to house people who have fled from their homes because of unrest in the area. Many have lost their homes and families. The team members bring Bibles and radios into the camps so the women may read and listen to God’s Word, which brings them comfort.
Even though TWR Women of Hope teams in Nigeria are ministering in so many ways to meet the needs of the people, they wish to do even more. The prayer calendar is distributed in two languages, and the ministry needs translators so it can expand on that number. The ministry would also like to see Women of Hope, currently not on the air in Nigeria, being broadcast across the country.
Would you join us in prayer asking that God will send volunteers to help and that funds needed would be raised within this nation? The women who work on the Nigerian teams have hearts for others in need. We praise God for what they are doing and for their faithfulness in loving others well in his name.