Equipping Women

Equipping Women
At the end of Hebrews, the author writes, “Now may the God of peace who brought again from the dead our Lord Jesus, the great shepherd of the sheep, by the blood of the eternal covenant, equip you with everything good that you may do his will, working in us that which is pleasing in his sight, through Jesus Christ, to whom be the glory forever and ever. Amen” (Heb. 13:20-21, ESV).
One of the ways God equips us to do his will is through others. Have you ever been equipped by someone to fulfill your calling? Perhaps a mentor or a colleague provided you with the tools and encouragement you needed. This empowerment often creates a ripple effect, enabling you to equip others in turn.
In early July, TWR Women of Hope national coordinators from nine African countries gathered in Côte d’Ivoire for a transformative time of training and fellowship with TWR Women of Hope Global Director Susie Pek and Africa Regional Coordinator Sphiwe Nxumalo Ngwenya. At the start of this conference, Susie and Sphiwe shared that their desire was for each woman to leave the conference equipped with the knowledge and skills needed to lead the TWR Women of Hope ministries in their countries. As part of this equipping, Susie and Sphiwe desired to see God at work in the lives of each woman, and shared, “This is our prayer for the week: May the Lord meet you where you are. May he speak to you and encourage your heart. May you leave this place feeling restored, encouraged and renewed.”
The conference theme, “From Brokenness to Beauty,” focused on ministering to women, demonstrating how God heals, builds, and beautifies what is broken. The national coordinators were not only equipped to teach these truths in their ministries but also experienced this transformation themselves.
As Susie and Sphiwe prayed at the start of the conference, each woman experienced God’s presence and encouragement, leaving the conference feeling restored, encouraged, and renewed. They returned to their ministries equipped to meet the spiritual needs of women in their countries, empowered to use their unique gifts to fulfill the mission of TWR Women of Hope.
This conference and the equipping which occurred was made possible by supporters like you. Your financial partnership enabled women to be equipped to equip others, spreading the hope of Jesus to thousands across West and Central Africa.
But TWR Women of Hope's reach extends further than this. Globally, TWR Women of Hope is dedicated to equipping women with the hope of Jesus through radio programs and on-the-ground follow-up and ministries. As more women hear the hope of Jesus and experience life transformation, they, too, are equipped by God to continue the cycle of reaching more women with the gospel.
As a partner of TWR Canada’s women’s ministry, you are an integral part of this cycle. Your prayers equip the TWR Women of Hope teams around the world to be filled with the Holy Spirit to speak God’s truth to the world. Your financial gifts equip the TWR Women of Hope teams around the world to create radio programs, meet with listeners and share the hope of Jesus with others, who then also experience God’s equipping to do the same.
Would you partner with us today to continue this cycle of equipping women to equip women with the hope of Jesus? The reach of TWR Women of Hope is vast, but there is still much work to be done. Many women around the world need to hear the good news, and your gift today will enable us to equip more women to do the work for which God has called them.
Eliza Argall
Ministry Development and Communications Manager
P.S. To give today, please visit www.twr.ca/equip-women or call us at our toll-free number (1-888-672-6510).