December 2024 Prayer Calendar

December 2024 Prayer Calendar
December 2024
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Click here for the November-December calendar including articles.
In December, we are praying for West and Central Africa. Please pray…
1. Father, embolden those working to free women from exploitation. You commanded us to speak for those who cannot speak for themselves. (Prov. 31:8)
2. God, may the people of Senegal have discernment to identify false religious leaders, be wise in choosing the groups they associate with and be set free from trusting in idols. (Col. 2:8)
3. Lord, bring peace, protection and safety for people living in eastern Nigeria. May the violence by unknown gunmen end. (Ps. 91:1-5)
4. Dear Father, we ask that you provide jobs in their chosen fields for the young people of Mali. Please give them hope while they are waiting. (Rom. 12:12)
5. God, grant courage and wisdom to newly elected leaders in Liberia. May those who are Christian use your standards in making decisions regarding health, jobs and education. (Ps. 72)
6. We pray, Father, for protection from disease for the people of Gabon. May all have access to good health care. (Ps. 103:2-3)
7. Lord, work in the hearts of leaders in northern Côte d'Ivoire who have the influence to stop the practice of female genital mutilation. (Prov. 31:8-9)
8. May the Holy Spirit bring revival to women in the Central African Republic. Use our TWR Women of Hope team to help women grow in Christ. (Eph. 3:16-19)
9. We pray, Lord, for the strengthening of women in Benin who are victims of forced marriage. May they come to know you and find inner peace. (Isa. 41:10)
10. Father, strengthen and protect Christians in northern Nigeria facing persecution by those of the dominant religion. (2 Tim. 3:11)
11. God, please intervene in the marriages of Malian Christians considering divorce. Please give these couples grace and wisdom to work things out. (Matt. 19:6)
12. Thank you, Father, for the power of the gospel that has broken the strongholds of habits displeasing to you in the lives of disadvantaged youth in Liberia. (Rom. 1:16)
13. God, we ask that Gabon’s leaders be fair, transparent and work together for the good of the nation and its people. (1 Tim. 2:1-2)
14. In Jesus' name, please bind the spirit of suicide in Côte d'Ivoire. May those experiencing it be released and find true life in you, Lord. (Job 33:4)
15. Father, please protect the poor, single women in the Central African Republic who have been raped. Provide for them and the babies born to them. (Ps. 82:3)
16. We ask for jobs and provision for women especially hard-hit during the economic crisis occurring in Benin. Lord, meet their needs. (Ps. 81:16)
17. Father, deliver Nigerian people from a religious viewpoint too trusting in good works and local traditions. May they embrace a life-giving relationship with you. (John 4:24)
18. God, please provide for those who have lost spouses or parents to terrorism in Mali. May the perpetrators be brought to justice and turn to you. (Isa. 1:17)
19. Heal, O Lord, girls in Liberia who have been exposed to drugs and sexual abuse in their families. May their parents respect, love and care for them. (Eph. 6:4)
20. God, may women in Côte d'Ivoire who listen to Women of Hope practice what they hear so their lives will be transformed. (Rom. 12:2)
21. Heavenly Father, please inspire lawmakers in the Central African Republic to pass laws to protect women abused by their husbands. (Ps. 10:17-18)
22. Father, rescue and bring healing to children and orphans in Benin who are mistreated and physically harmed. (Ps. 72:4)
23. Lord, inspire Christians in Gabon to pray fervently for peace and justice in their nation. May believers there spread your grace and mercy to those around them. (Mic. 6:8)
24. God, pour out your provision to families going through hardship and severe poverty due to high inflation in Nigeria. (Ps. 23:1)
25. Lord, we ask you to stabilize the sociopolitical and security situation in the Alliance of Sahel States, which encompasses Mali, Niger and Burkina Faso. (Rom. 12:18)
26. Father, give wisdom and strength to Christian women in Liberia who help youth living on the streets with spiritual, physical and related needs. (James 2:26)
27. God, may the young people of Gabon have access to quality education and wise counsel so they will have hope and a promising future. (Prov. 11:14)
28. Lord, change the hearts of media creators in Côte d'Ivoire who make content encouraging immorality. Instead, may they create pure, life-giving content. (Phil. 2:15-16)
29. God, may funds be raised within Liberia for women who need solar-powered radios to listen to Women of Hope. (Matt. 7:7-8)
30. Wives and children of Gabonese soldiers sometimes face hardships and neglect. Father, please give our team access to minister to these precious souls. (Ps. 9:9-10)
31. Lord, we ask the Holy Spirit to inspire the women of Côte d'Ivoire to have a life of prayer and personal intimacy with you. (Matt. 6:6)