Using the Best Media

Using the Best Media
TWR Canada is committed to bridging the gap between technology and human connection and providing resources in the most effective way for the recipient. That’s why, with your help, we have partnered with TWR Belarus to continue delivering hope directly to listeners through media players, SD cards, USBs, and CDs as they sit – literally – in the middle of war.
Today, I'm doing something that I didn’t anticipate just a few weeks ago - writing to you. On March 1, the TWR Canada board appointed me as Interim President for TWR Canada. I am grateful to Dan Reese for his contributions to the ministry, and we wish him the very best in his future endeavours.
Many of you will probably recognize my name, as I've been a TWR Canada missionary for 41 years. TWR Canada is part of my DNA, and it’s my prayer that this will help me get up to speed quickly in this role, and as I get to know you as well. I appreciate your prayers as well!
Most recently, I served as TWR International's vice president of global digital ministry. It was in that role that I had an experience I will never forget.
In the early days of the Russia-Ukraine war, I had the privilege of participating in a video call with TWR leaders from Russia, Ukraine, and Belarus. Each leader related how the war was impacting their ministries. There was a key moment when the director of the Russian ministry asked if he could speak directly in Russian to the director of TWR Ukraine. Later, the TWR Russia director shared with us that he had apologized on behalf of his country for what they had done to Ukraine.
I was struck by the realization that this moment between these leaders would never take place in a geopolitical setting. This harmony is something only Christ could do, and each leader was and continues to be focused on him.
Yet, there’s something crucial I’d like to highlight from this call: while three country leaders were involved, the apology was exchanged between only two of them. Often, we hear about Russia and Ukraine, but Belarus — caught physically and politically in the middle — remains overlooked. The TWR team there has keenly felt the war’s impact over the past two years, causing them to adapt and change their ministry focus. As FM stations closed and radio programs were taken off the air, the team turned to portable and digital media — the most effective tools in their current circumstances.
TWR Canada is committed to bridging the gap between technology and human connection and providing resources in the most effective way for the recipient. That’s why, with your help, we have partnered with TWR Belarus to continue delivering hope directly to listeners through media players, SD cards, USBs, and CDs as they sit – literally – in the middle of war.
The encouraging feedback we receive from listeners echoes the profound impact of these technologies:
USBs Bring Joy to Children: “We picked up the USBs this weekend. Thank you! The children really like the stories. They come home from school and listen right away. God bless you in your work!” These words remind us that even the youngest hearts find solace and joy in the stories we share. USB sticks are small and portable. Useful on most devices, they are also easily shared.
Media Players are a Source of Light and Calm: “Thank you for the media player. I listen to it all the time. I go outside, switch it on, and listen. It makes me feel so light and calm. I understand so much more now. It turns out I was so far away from understanding spiritual issues.” Our media players become companions, bringing peace and understanding to those who seek it.
As our team engages with listeners, they are responding to the call: “Will you put your programs on an app so I can listen on my phone?” We are thrilled to share that this vision is becoming a reality! We are diligently working on an Android and iOS app that will allow listeners in Belarus to access content seamlessly. Soon, they’ll carry the hope-filled messages wherever they go and have access to them whenever they want.
Our work is not done. People all around the world need to hear the good news of Jesus. Through your continued partnership with us, you can…
…share the hope of the gospel, bringing peace, hope, and joy in times of hardship.
…pray for the hard, hidden, and hostile places of the world.
…learn how God is changing lives. (See our ministry map here)
Will you give today to enable God’s Word to continue to reach the world using the most effective media? Your gift changes lives.