Speaking Good News of Great Joy

Speaking Good News of Great Joy
In so many ways, Christmas really is the most wonderful time of the year. As believers, this is true because of the gift of hope we celebrate in the birth of our Saviour, Jesus Christ – hope for all people!
Yet countless precious lives around the world have not yet heard this Good News. For those experiencing economic crisis in Cuba, political unrest in the Middle East and religious persecution in Central Asia, the reality of hope, joy and peace seems a distant dream.
But because of partners like you, a different story – good news of great joy – is being shared with those living in hard, hidden and hostile places. Below is an inspiring testimony of a changed life that your generosity has impacted.
Your partnership enables TWR Canada to speak hope through Christ-centred radio programs, the distribution of portable media players and effective discipleship training for local church members.
This Christmas season, will you continue to partner with us to speak hope to the unreached peoples of the world?
Thank you for your generous support and faithful prayers that reach across borders and cultures to proclaim the love of our gracious God.
With deepest gratitude,
P.S. – Your gift this Christmas will ensure the gospel is broadcast directly into homes and daily life. You can give today by calling our office at 1-888-672-6510 or visiting www.twr.ca/goodnews