Seeing The Lord’s Hand Through Radio

Seeing The Lord’s Hand Through Radio
“I was a devoted Muslim before coming to Christ,” a believer in the Persian-speaking world shared with our Persian ministry team recently. Today, this believer, Samira, continues to learn about God's Word as web radio programs answer her spiritual questions and fill her with hope. Read on to learn about Samira's story and how she came to Christ.
“I was a devoted Muslim before coming to Christ,” a believer in the Persian-speaking world shared with our Persian ministry team recently. For security reasons, we will not use this believer’s real name; we will refer to her as Samira. Samira came to faith after hearing about her sister’s friend’s conversion. Today, she continues to learn God’s Word as web radio programs answer her spiritual questions and fill her with hope.
Samira’s testimony begins with doubt and many questions, but she soon discovered freedom and answers found in following Christ: “I couldn’t stop thinking about my sister’s friend’s conversion for days. I thought to myself: she’s an educated, smart woman. She must have a compelling reason to choose Christianity. Why would she convert to an inferior religion when she can choose Islam? I decided to ask her why she converted to Christianity.
“She told me that all religions have the principle of ‘an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth’ but it’s only Jesus who says love your enemy. Hearing this opened my eyes. I loved Imam Ali and admired his justice in repaying your enemy only to the necessary extent. Hearing that Jesus tells his followers they should forgive their enemies made me feel a sense of freedom. I thought if Jesus could forgive his enemies, then I want to be like him. That day I gave my heart to Jesus.
“Around the same time, my sister heard that Jesus gave his life for us to save us from our sins. She was touched by this and wanted to give her life to Jesus, too. When we told one another that we decided to give our hearts to Jesus, all we could do was cry together. We both accepted Jesus as our Saviour and said the prayer of salvation, although we didn’t know much about it. I was in a difficult part of my life. I was dealing with the loneliness of depression at the time. After giving my life to Jesus all my troubles seemed to melt away!
“My sister’s friend introduced us to your web radio station. As new believers, we received answers to many of our questions through your programs without the need to write to you and ask directly. I was amazed to hear answers to the questions I had straight from your programs. I am certain that the Lord’s hand was in this. He could hear my questions and provide an answer to them through your radio programs. I thank God for you! As I grew in my faith, my behaviour began to change. I used to be quick to anger, but now I have peace and calm. I began to love people who previously bothered me.
“One night, my sister and I decided to pray before going to bed. Suddenly, we were both filled with the Spirit. We felt light, as though we were floating. We felt God’s presence in the room. This caused my fears to vanish.
“On another occasion, I felt a fire in my heart. I began to cry for those who don’t know Jesus. I heard on one of your radio programs that many believers may feel a yearning in their hearts to get involved in ministry. My sister and I prayed that God would direct our lives in such a way that we could serve him one day. Today, I praise God to be a servant of Jesus.
“In another program, I heard the presenter teaching about how Christians pray. The presenter said, ‘Jesus says whatever you ask in my name will be given to you. Think about what you need to ask Jesus in his name with thanksgiving and believe that he will give it to you.’ That same day, I prayed for a Bible. For days after that, I was thanking God for the Bible that he would provide. I believed that my Bible was on its way to me.
“A few days later, my brother brought a film about Jesus home without me asking him. The day after we watched it, my brother found a Bible. I don’t know where, but he found one! After getting that Bible, I wrote to you, and you provided me with many other books as well. I give thanks to God for you and I’m very glad that I can listen to your programs.”
We echo the words of Samira and praise God for the ways web radio programs and sharing testimonies help us reflect the hope of the gospel. Praise God for working in Samira and her sister and through other believers sharing their testimonies. Thanks to your prayers and support, we can offer resources that help new believers as they learn more about hope in God’s Word. Would you join us in praying for those growing in faith through web radio in the Persian-speaking world?