Reaching the Unreached in Thailand

Reaching the Unreached in Thailand
With International Day of Prayer for the Unreached on May 19, our prayer is that God will be glorified by everyone, everywhere, and that his Church will mobilize to uplift the unreached through prayer. Learn how we are partnering with believers in Thailand to create a series of animated Bible stories with a Buddhist worldview, thanks to your prayer and support!
Everyone should have access to the good news of salvation. However, many people around the world have yet to hear the gospel and realize what it means to have hope in Jesus. With International Day of Prayer for the Unreached on May 19, our prayer is that God will be glorified by everyone, everywhere, and that his Church will mobilize to uplift the unreached through prayer. With your prayers and support, it’s our mission to speak hope to hard, hidden and hostile locations, including unreached places, through the most effective forms of media, technology and on-the-ground interaction.
You might be wondering what classifies a group of people as “unreached.” One commonly used definition is “a group of people where less than two per cent are evangelical Christians.” In Thailand, more than 50 million people are on Facebook, but only one per cent believe in Jesus, while roughly 94 per cent of the population practices Buddhism. So, what better platform to educate this unreached people group with biblical truths and to deliver the good news of salvation than through videos on social media?
In partnership with TWR Motion, TWR Canada is working with a team of believers in Thailand to create Journey to Hope, a 20-episode series of animated Bible stories with a Buddhist worldview in mind and with art created to communicate with a Thai audience. The artwork and the storytelling aim to address spiritual questions that Buddhists may be grappling with, taking elements from their world – shapes, colours, lines – to powerfully convey the story of Christ and lead Thai Buddhists on a journey to hope.
Powerful storytelling requires expertise in understanding different cultures to best determine the stories that will resonate, which is why the team has been working closely with church planters in Thailand. Regarding the series title, Journey to Hope, director of TWR Motion Candace Mackie shared, “These stories lead somewhere; they're not just individual stories. They lead us on a journey to find hope in the person of Jesus, who fulfills the promise that God made to send a 'promised one' to restore the world." As stories in Scripture can help people see solutions to their real-life problems and find meaning in their own life stories, it is our prayer that Thai Buddhists will come to know the character of God and have a relationship with Jesus through this series.
Will you join us in praying for the unreached people in Thailand? Please pray for those who will watch Journey to Hope, for the team creating these videos, and for the distribution process. Pray for the unreached who are living in darkness and who have questions. Pray for those who are discriminated against for their faith. And for those who worship and seek forgiveness from many gods, pray the Lord will reveal himself to these people as the one true God who offers everlasting life. To learn more about the production of this life-transforming series, click here!