Joy to West Africa Through Media Players

Joy to West Africa Through Media Players
TWR Canada's media players have proven to be effective tools, especially in West Africa. The impact has been significant, with miraculous interventions and lives transformed. Learn more about how God is changing lives through media players.
It gives TWR Canada great joy to assemble media players and distribute them to people who need to hear the hopeful message of the gospel and help people all over the world grow in faith. In 2022, we partnered with Thru the Bible and Hope and Care Outreach to do a pilot distribution of 20 media players for Liberian pastors, followed by an additional 200 media players later that year.
What does the impact of these distributions look like? Well, following the distribution of these 200 media players to pastors, deacons and evangelists who serve the Church, picture an executive director walking out into the courtyard the next morning. What does he find? He found over 25 church leaders spread out, listening to various Scripture readings and sermon lessons scattered throughout the yard, listening intently. Everyone was so hungry to be fed God’s Word that when the breakfast bell rang for their physical food, many of the men kept on receiving their spiritual food instead and were late for their breakfast!
When asked what made these media players so special and how they touched their lives, some recipients replied:
“Now I can listen and learn while I am working on my farm. I love to read my Bible every morning, but then I have to put it down when I go out to the rice field. Now, with this player, I can keep going in my lessons all day long.”
“I am not a great reader, but with this player, I can understand every word clearly. More importantly, I can share these ideas with my congregation.”
“I live far in the rural area, so I am isolated from the internet and God’s teachings. I am illiterate, so it is challenging for me to grow in my faith and understanding of the Holy Scripture. But now I have both the Bible and God’s teachings right here in my ear. Praise God!”
Because these media players were so well loved, we sent an additional 400 English and 100 French media players containing an audio New Testament and Thru the Bible sermons, as well as Bible Stories Alive stories in English, with Hope and Care Outreach to West Africa.
Recently, several staff from the Hope and Care Outreach ministry team travelled to Liberia to distribute these media players through various churches and ministries across West Africa. While 300 of these players have been reserved for women attending a national conference happening in February, we are so excited to share a little bit about how God has blessed the lives of those who have already benefitted from this distribution!
Who did these most recent media players impact, you ask?
Women in the Monrovia area: 50 women who attended a district-wide fasting and prayer convention received a radio player. Imagine if you were illiterate and you are now able to experience the freedom to hear God’s Word for yourself and study at your own pace!
Pastors in Côte d’Ivoire: 25 pastors in Côte d’Ivoire received media players in French and English. Local church leaders will be starting a new program this month, resulting from this distribution.
Hope Lutheran School staff: Hope Lutheran School staff requested media players so that they can study God’s Word and be equipped to better share their faith and biblical understanding with their students. Praise God and pray for this committed staff!
Guinea: Joshua Project reports that Guinea is 88 per cent Muslim, 7.5 per cent Ethnic religions, and 4 per cent Christian. A Liberian pastor who fled to Guinea during the war remained in the country to share the gospel. Praise God and pray for this man who is leading the distribution process of 50 players in Guinea!
Through this distribution, we are helping to share God’s hope in West Africa! This region is not the only place we are sending media players, nor is Liberia the only country in need of God’s Word. If you have an opportunity in mind, get in touch and we’d love to partner with you to continue speaking hope through media players!