Speaking Hope

Is Discipleship Optional

Is Discipleship Optional

What is your vision for discipleship? What does Jesus say about discipleship? Read to discover God's word today!

What is your vision for discipleship?

Jesus’ vision is clear: “Go and make disciples of all nations… teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you.” (Matthew 28:19-20, NIV)

In short, take the Good News about Jesus to everybody and teach them how to live and be like Jesus. This means making disciples who then make more disciples.

Because TWR Canada shares this vision and desires everyone everywhere to find and follow Jesus in a language they understand, we created Discipleship Essentials – a 137-module training course covering the foundations of Christian faith, the essence of a Christlike lifestyle, and how to mature in spiritual leadership toward becoming a disciple maker.

Your partnership made the development of Discipleship Essentials possible, and now countless people are maturing in their faith and being equipped to share Jesus with others.

To date, the content has been translated into over 20 languages and made accessible through various media forms such as portable media players and micro-SD cards, online and mobile apps, radio broadcasting and in-person training.

Recently, TWR Canada’s Discipleship Essentials ministry leader, Tony Tira, visited Egypt to attend two training events hosted by our ministry partner Together Network. These events welcomed local pastors and church leaders to engage in Discipleship Essentials training in their heart language of Arabic. Click here to watch a testimony from a pastor who attended.

Tony also visited the Great Commission Ministry facility in Ethiopia to further partnership discussions with the National Director and Digital Ministries Director.

As the special guest speaker for the upcoming Alberta Ministry Tour (April 26th – May 5th), Tony will share about the impact of strategic efforts to establish and multiply discipleship movements across the globe and the stories of lives changed through the Discipleship Essentials material. Register now for an event near you here.

We are deeply grateful for your faithful prayers and generous support that have enabled the successful launch of these discipleship initiatives.