Hope for the World

Hope for the World
As Canadian's are watching inflation rates hover around 3 per cent, inflation in Cuba is 10 times that rate. The current situation is being described as Cuba’s worst economic crisis in decades. Read on to learn about how TWR Canada is bringing hope to Cuba during this crisis.
Recently I discovered that Canadians - by far - continue to be the largest group of tourists in Cuba in any given month. As some of our citizens escape the cold to access inexpensive vacations at Cuban resorts, we supply part of Cuba’s need for foreign currency to import necessities like medicines, food, and fuel.
However, in contrast to Canadians carefully watching inflation rates hover around 3 per cent, inflation in Cuba is 10 times that rate. The current situation is being described as Cuba’s worst economic crisis in decades.
Understandably, even Christians in Cuba are losing hope. Educated nationals are leaving the island nation in any way that they can. Churches in Cuba are suffering as their leaders emigrate, making the constant search for pastors and teachers almost impossible.
Constant even in economically dire times, TWR Canada continues to bring hope to Cubans through the program Messages of Faith and Hope, aired daily from TWR’s station on Bonaire.
My friend and long-time RTM Cuba leader, Alberto, has lived in Cuba his entire life. Part of his story is having endured work camps as punishment for being a seminary student in the 1960s. A prolific author and speaker, Alberto is known for his cheerful voice of evangelism and encouragement.
Now in his 80s, Alberto is mentoring a successor to lead the ministry in Cuba, including following up with listeners of the TWR Canada-sponsored program Messages of Faith and Hope. These daily podcast-like programs are broadcast from TWR’s powerful radio station on Bonaire. Beamed through directional antennas with no political agenda, Alberto speaks as one Cuban to his country, daily encouraging anyone to meet and closely follow the hope that is our only hope, Jesus Christ.
My most recent visit to Cuba was in December 2022. You would have loved being with me to meet listeners with Alberto. I vividly recall meeting a woman whose radio had broken. Due to the expense of a replacement, she had not heard the broadcasts for nearly four years. Despite that long period, she listed off, from memory, the programs that had regularly aired from Bonaire. With tears, I pulled out one of the few radios that I had brought in my luggage. She quickly learned how to use the new radio, then sat in her chair and hugged it.
TWR recently sent Alberto 100 radios to distribute across his homeland. Now Alberto and his successor work together to diligently distribute radios and follow up with listeners across the entire island of Cuba.
Cuba is merely one country where we are sharing the hope of Jesus. TWR Canada works in more than 70 countries and over 50 languages, and through our global partnerships, we have the potential to reach 190 countries in more than 200 languages! Each country has its unique challenges, but everyone in every country needs to hear the hope of the gospel. Would you join us again in providing hope? We invite you to:
• Pray that church leaders will be biblically equipped: www.twr.ca/pray
• Give to TWR Canada’s initiatives to speak hope to the world: www.twr.ca/hopefortheworld
• Tell others about TWR Canada’s work around the world: www.twr.ca/wherewework
Your gift today allows us to continue to share the hope of Jesus with millions of people across the world.
In grace,

Steve Shantz
Interim President
TWR Canada
P.S. Thank you for your ongoing partnership in speaking hope to the world. Would you give again today so that more people in hard, hidden and hostile places can experience the hope of Jesus? Please use the enclosed reply card, call our office at 888-672-6510 or visit www.twr.ca/hopefortheworld to make your donation.