Hope Comes Full Circle in Colombia

Hope Comes Full Circle in Colombia
Our team in Colombia now has an office and studio space of their own. Learn more about how God's Word is transforming lives in Colombia.
Life is hard in Colombia. Poverty and violence can send hearts in turbulent directions, and people need to hear the hope of the gospel in their hard circumstances. The good news is that, despite the circumstances that many Colombians face, the country has access to God’s saving Word. And the great news is that our team in Colombia now has an office and studio space where they can record programs. This week, join us in praising God for the infrastructure and technology that enables RTM Colombia to spread the hope of the gospel!
Through technology, God’s healing power transmits radically into our hearts. He promises to take care of us amid our hard circumstances. First Corinthians 10:13 reminds us that our God is faithful, and he will not let us be tempted beyond our ability to handle the situation. But with the temptation, God will also provide a way of escape. He promises his endurance and a way out.
Perhaps you have heard the story of Carlos, who left his family and moved to the north of Colombia, where he learned to grow and make cocaine. After venturing into the remote mountain jungles to process cocaine and unaccompanied by his 40 bodyguards, Carlos cut his leg with his machete. Bleeding profusely, he stumbled to an abandoned workers’ hut where he found a radio. Turning it on, he heard a broadcast from TWR. This radio message was his way out, encouraging him to leave his old life behind and find security in God.
“When the man started to speak, several times I thought he was right next to me, telling me everything,” Carlos said. After receiving Christ in his heart, Carlos poured gasoline over his cocaine-processing equipment and set everything on fire.
“I really found Jesus, or he found me,” Carlos said. “I think it was the second one. He found me. Because why would I be looking for him? He went to the jungle and rescued me. Who did he use? TWR. Who else? Nobody else could go inside there.”
Today, Carlos is a pastor, working with at-risk youth in Colombia; he has planted more than 25 churches. Fourteen of his former bodyguards are now pastors. And now, his story has come full circle with his daughter, Kimberly, further carrying the impact of the hopeful radio message through recording one of TWR’s newest programs.
Kimberly, now 25, creates content for social media with TWR’s national partner in Colombia and is the voice for the Spanish production of Mission 66, the radio Bible survey course from Brazil that TWR is preparing to release in the world’s ten most-spoken languages. Through this program. Kimberly will be echoing the same radio message that saved her father!
“My dad feels very blessed and happy to know that I am working for the ministry that brings salvation to remote places like the place where God rescued him. Now my voice is also part of such a great ministry and a program that I am sure will carry the Word of God into many lives,” Kimberly shared.
As the team gratefully continues to record programs like Mission 66, they shared, “We thank God for granting us the desire to have our own office and studio to bring hope to Colombians and the world. This is just the beginning!”
God is mightily at work in the hard place of Colombia! Praise him for equipping the RTM Colombia team with the infrastructure and technology needed to pull people out of hard circumstances and into the hope of Christ, empowering them to continue changing lives spiritually blessing families.