Speaking Hope

God’s Word Heals Generational Wounds in Eswatini

God’s Word Heals Generational Wounds in Eswatini

Forgiveness is transformative in the lives of those living with the effects of intergenerational trauma. Be inspired by the impact Strengthening Families Through the Word of God is having on families in Eswatini. Praise God for the powerful model his Word provides in our lives today!

In the pages of Scripture, we find countless echoes of the profound and powerful impact of forgiveness: forgiveness expresses love and obedience (Psalm 91:14-16), draws us nearer to God through the Holy Spirit (Acts 2:38), liberates us from the burdens of bitterness (Isaiah 38:16-17) and paves the way for healing and harmony (Jeremiah 33:6). Yet, in Eswatini, the cultural norm of "Tibi Tendlu" presents a barrier to this healing process, as it promotes a code of silence where hardships are not addressed but quietly endured, regardless of their weight or pain. This silent acceptance of unresolved pain inflicts long-term damage on family dynamics. But once it’s known and understood what Jesus did on the cross for the forgiveness of our sins and healing from these burdens, a more compassionate look at our pain allows for a new, godly perspective and a shift in the dynamic. Strengthening Families Through the Word of God provides a biblical model of forgiveness, offering to mend the hurt and prevent the cycle from causing more pain to future generations in Eswatini. 

So often, children bear the brunt of the trauma from parents who are burdened by their own unhealed wounds and who inadvertently perpetuate cycles of hurt and pain. Over the last year, however, Strengthening Families Through the Word of God has shifted this dynamic in Eswatini and offered hope to families through the message of God’s forgiveness and Jesus’ sacrifice. By providing a platform for intergenerational dialogue and fostering an environment of forgiveness and reconciliation, this program empowers parents to confront their past hurts, seek forgiveness and pave a new path for their children. 

A recent seminar organized in partnership between a local FM station and TWR Women of Hope testified to the transformative power of the program. Among the 120 attendees, the theme of parental humility and seeking forgiveness resonated deeply. Parents, recognizing the ways in which their own unresolved trauma had influenced their behaviour towards their children, took courageous steps towards healing by acknowledging their mistakes, asking for forgiveness and humbling themselves as children of God. 

One attendee's testimony reflects the profound impact of this journey towards healing: “I realized after listening to the program that I have acted the way I have because I was harbouring some hurt which occurred in my childhood. I have been so rough sometimes with my children for no apparent reason. In one of the programs, we were asked to write things we’ve done that may have hurt someone, to acknowledge that we have not dealt with the situation, as a process to begin healing. It was a humbling experience to both share this with my girls and then ask them to forgive me. First, they did not know how to react or respond but they later came back and said, ‘Mummy, we forgive you.’” 

This journey towards healing not only transforms individual lives but also has ripple effects on family dynamics and relationships. By applying the teaching of forgiveness through Jesus’ sacrifice, Strengthening Families Through the Word of God has been instrumental in building stronger, healthier communities where children can thrive. 

Praise God families in Eswatini have recognized the importance of addressing intergenerational trauma through this program, so they can nurture environments where children are supported, loved, and given the opportunity to heal from the wounds of the past. The program has been so impactful that our ministry partner Joy Without Limits dreams of producing the program in other languages, including English. Please join us in praying for those who were reached through this program and the continued impact it will have on families!