Speaking Hope

Be A Voice of Truth

Be A Voice of Truth

In the heart of Europe, a people group often overlooked and despised is finding hope through social media. The Roma people, numbering around 15,000 in Prilep, North Macedonia alone, are hearing the transformative message of Christ through a program called Voice of Truth. Read more to learn about the impact of Voice of Truth.

In the heart of Europe, a people group often overlooked and despised is finding hope through social media. The Roma people, numbering around 15,000 in Prilep, North Macedonia alone, are hearing the transformative message of Christ through a program called Voice of Truth.


For nearly 30 years, Pastor Edijan has faithfully produced this program, and for the past decade, TWR Canada has had the privilege of sponsoring it. Voice of Truth began out of a calling Pastor Edijan felt as a new Christian in his teens, and today, it reaches thousands through websites, YouTube and social media.


One life touched by this ministry is Adam. Growing up with an alcoholic and violent father, Adam's childhood was turbulent. But God's grace shone through when his father became a believer and completely turned his life around. Though Adam drifted away from his faith after his father's passing, a pivotal moment during a Christmas season led him back to church.


One Christmas just a couple of years ago, Adam was walking through town with some friends and the group saw an event happening at Pastor Edijan’s church. His friends, who had never heard the gospel, were interested and wanted to see what was happening. While his friends entered the church, Adam continued on his way.


As he walked, Adam began to think about how his friends had never heard the gospel and had never entered a church but were intrigued, yet he, who did know the Good News, had decided to walk away. This left Adam feeling unsettled, and after a few weeks, he decided to return to church. Today, Adam is a leader in his church, with Pastor Edijan becoming like a father to him.


Adam also listens to Voice of Truth to grow in his faith. He sees the program's name as an accurate descriptor of its meaning for his community – it is a voice of truth for the Roma people. Adam shared, “I'm glad there is this way to share the gospel and to encourage people like me. This program is God's work.”


This is the power of media ministry – reaching into homes and hearts with the truth of the gospel where traditional methods might not. Through radio, social media, media players and more, God is changing lives.


Your history of faithful support means that you are partnering in God’s work and are a voice of truth to the world. You have helped us continue and expand vital ministries like Voice of Truth globally. Will you partner with us again today to be a voice of truth to people like Adam?


Thank you for considering this opportunity to make an eternal difference. Together, we can ensure that the voice of truth continues to resonate in places where hope is desperately needed.





Steve Shantz

Interim President

TWR Canada



P.S. Your gift today will help ensure that programs like Voice of Truth continue to reach the Roma people and others around the world with the hope of Christ. Please use the enclosed reply card, call our office at 888-672-6510 or visit www.twr.ca/beavoiceoftruth to make your donation.