Back in the Arms of Jesus

Back in the Arms of Jesus
The good news of the gospel offers spiritual rest and peace that transcends mere physical sleep; through Jesus, we experience a rebirth that nourishes our souls in ways sleep never can. This truth comes alive in stories of faith like that of a woman we will call Sharon, who rediscovered hope through Christ in Quebec. Read more to hear Sharon's story and how God is awakening believers in Quebec.
When the doctor checks on our well-being, they often inquire about our sleep habits. Sleep rejuvenates our minds and bodies. But some of us may find ourselves in a spiritual slumber, isolated from the truth and trust of having a hopeful relationship with Jesus. Instead of experiencing growth and renewal, we go through the motions, aimlessly and passively; we are spiritually asleep and disconnected.
This disconnection can lead to a lot of doubt and confusion, which can crush our spirits. The good news is that the gospel offers a spiritual rest and peace that transcends mere physical sleep; through Jesus, we experience a rebirth that nourishes our souls in ways sleep never can. This truth comes alive in stories of faith like that of a woman we will call Sharon, who rediscovered hope through Christ in Quebec, where less than one per cent of people consider themselves evangelical Christians.
Sharon’s spiritual journey began in 1998, which led her through various denominations. Her path meandered further when she relocated from Ontario to Quebec, where she drifted into the New Age movement. However, everything changed dramatically in the early days of the COVID-19 pandemic.
“At that point, I picked up my Bible to answer a lot of my questions,” she shared with Annabelle, who operates our partner Aujourd’hui l’Espoir’s toll-free Hope Line for people to call in and ask questions about Christianity, request biblical resources as mentioned on beloved television show La Parole Vivante and be connected to a church in their community. Sharon went on to say, “Glory be to God, I'm back in the comforting arms of Jesus my Saviour. The Lord is at work in me. I'm also preparing myself for his imminent return. The Lord has placed evangelism in my heart!”
Annabelle mentioned, “It's encouraging to see how God brings back his children who have gone astray. He uses La Parole Vivante to awaken Christians who have fallen asleep. I thank the Lord that he allows us to hear his beautiful stories of salvation and that he uses the hope and material we offer today so that God's children can, in turn, share the good news of salvation in Jesus Christ with those around them!”
It brings us joy to hear of stories and connections like that of Sharon, who are growing in their relationship with the Lord and spreading the hope of the gospel because they have experienced that hope. Would you join us in praising God for awakening believers in Quebec? Pray with us that the power of transformation through Christ is activated and that many more who are in deep spiritual slumbers come to Christ. Pray for our ministry partner in Quebec, Aujourd’hui l’Espoir, as they connect with callers asking questions and engaging with biblical resources to grow in faith. You can also donate here to speak hope to the province through television, media, spiritual connection and more!