Advancing the Gospel in China

Advancing the Gospel in China
In China, being a believer comes with significant challenges due to stringent religious regulations and restrictions. Pastors, missionaries, and students involved in our China ministry are monitored by the government, leading to immense pressure and fear. Despite these obstacles, our team perseveres in the provision of the Lord...continue reading to learn more.
In China, being a believer comes with significant challenges due to stringent religious regulations and restrictions. Pastors, missionaries, and students involved in our China ministry are monitored by the government, leading to immense pressure and fear. Despite these obstacles, our team perseveres in the provision of the Lord, continuing to serve, heal, encourage and equip others through SOTA, our biblical seminary training program. This year, our China ministry launched a new SOTA mission track to meet the growing demand for mission work in Chinese churches!
SOTA enrollment numbers for 2024 have shown remarkable growth compared to the previous year, with 80 new students this year, with only 13 during the same time in 2023. A great deal of personal and spiritual growth happens during fellowships where students learn how to apply Scripture to their ministry work and are encouraged by the testimonies of others.
The book of Philippians holds particular significance for one of our SOTA fellowships. Penned by Paul during his imprisonment, the message in Philippians serves as a powerful reminder that, even in the most adverse circumstances, God offers protection, wisdom, courage and strength. While Ministry Strategist and SOTA Director William has experienced health challenges in recent months, he remains energized and steadfast as the Lord meets his every need. As William taught from Philippians, SOTA students saw how God is at work and that through him, all things are possible.
The book of Philippians illustrates that obstacles and imprisoning circumstances can advance the gospel and embolden believers to speak and live out the Word without fear. In Philippians 1:12-14, Paul wrote, “I want you to know, brothers, that what has happened to me has really served to advance the gospel, so that it has become known throughout the whole imperial guard and to all the rest that my imprisonment is for Christ. And most of the brothers, having become confident in the Lord by my imprisonment, are much more bold to speak the word without fear” (ESV).
When called to the task of ministry and making disciples, doubts about our abilities or circumstances may arise. Our fears can be valid, but if we allow ourselves to focus on them too much this can hamper our progress in the mission at large and prevent us from honouring the opportune blessings to share and advance the gospel. To be an example of Christ, let us shift our focus from self-service to serving others and remain steadfast in our faith and in our purpose to build and equip the Church, as urged in Philippians. What a game changer when we consider that our fears and challenges could be part of God's plan to shape us for better service and to inspire faith in others!
Philippians 1 concludes with an admonition not to be frightened by opponents, but to remember and trust that our salvation and strength come from God. Throughout the trials faced by our China ministry team and SOTA students, their perseverance aligns with the promises and commands of Scripture, demonstrating the strength believers possess through Christ. To learn more about the impact SOTA has in China, you can read about how students are encouraged here!