TWR Canada Prayer Calendar

November 2023 Prayer Calendar

November 2023 Prayer Calendar

November 2023

Click here for the November printer-friendly version.

Click here for the November-December calendar. 

Please join us in praying for…

Europe & CAMENA

While Europe, Central Asia, the Middle East and North Africa are diverse in culture and language, one commonality is the need to hear the gospel. Radio programming, training conferences and missionaries are all part of our ministry in this region of the world.

  1. Across the Middle East and North Africa, our partner, Together Network, trains believers to lead small groups and disciple others using Discipleship Essentials. Pray for those who have received this training and are discipling believers across the region.
  2. Pray for those listening to Voice of Truth in Prilep, North Macedonia. Praise God for the way he uses this program and the faithful ministry of pastor Edijan to speak hope to the Roma people.
  3. As we work with several TWR partners across Europe and CAMENA to create Android and iOS apps, please pray that the development process would be smooth and that these apps would assist believers as they grow in faith.
  4. Pray for safe radio distribution in Central Asia. Pray also that these radios would be an encouragement to those living in rural areas far from a Christian community.

Latin America and the Caribbean

Broadcast from the island of Bonaire, TWR programming can be heard across much of northern Latin America and the Caribbean, as well as from local FM stations. Local teams also share the hope of the gospel through on-the-ground initiatives in their communities.

  1. Pray for those listening to our two Cuban programs, Messages of Faith and Hope and Our Home, broadcast from the TWR transmitter on Bonaire.
  2. Please pray for RTM Cuba leader Alberto, who is transitioning leadership responsibilities to a young man named Moisés Pérez Padrón. Pray that the transition would be smooth and effective.
  3. Pray for incoming RTM Cuba leader Moisés Pérez Padrón to understand all the components of the ministry and to guide the ministry forward in God’s will.
  4. In Uruguay, Against the Current encourages young adults to stand firm in their faith. Pray that listeners would be encouraged to live using a biblical worldview.
  5. Pray for the set-up of a mini recording studio in Mexico. This will allow the team to produce a program called The Carpenter's Workshop, which will provide biblical marriage advice to couples across the country.
  6. Praise God for the new office space for RTM Colombia! Please pray for the logistics of renovations and moving in.
  7. Pray that the DE radio program broadcast in Spanish across Latin America and the Caribbean would continue to encourage spiritual growth in the lives of listeners.


From radio broadcasts to capital projects to on-the-ground ministry and the work of missionaries, our reach across Africa is vast, just like the region.

  1. Praise God that Bible Stories Alive continues to have a profound impact in Kenya! Please pray that these stories will spark a desire in children to grow in their faith.
  2. Pray that God would work through our two programs in Burundi, Good News for All and Jesus is the Answer, to continue changing the lives of listeners.
  3. TWR Canada missionaries Stephen and Teresa Murray are serving in South Africa. Pray for safety and God’s direction as Stephen supports the technical operations of the West, East and Southern Africa offices and radio stations. Pray for Teresa as she cares for and encourages staff and missionaries on her team. 
  4. Praise God for a new program for families in South Africa. Some of the programs are based on TWR Canada’s Families Following Jesus Pray that this program would encourage families to grow in faith together.
  5. Pray for TWR Canada missionaries Greg and Ingrid Clarke in their roles as station manager and in the finance department at the transmitting site in Eswatini.
  6. Across Côte d’Ivoire and Senegal, small groups are using media players to listen to programs and discuss what they have learned. Pray for growth in faith and new believers!
  7. Pray for TWR Canada missionaries Nathan and Megan Dunlop in South Africa. Pray for Nathan as he works on the Legacy of Adam video project and for Megan as she supports the missionary children in South Africa.

Discipleship Essentials

Discipleship Essentials is available in more than 15 languages and is used by individuals for personal study and in thousands of small groups in Canada and around the world.

  1. In West Africa, the Discipleship Essentials radio program serves French-speaking communities. Pray that listeners and small groups would integrate lessons learned through this radio program into their lives and that they would grow in capacity to produce disciples within their communities.
  2. Praise God for the growth in faith we are seeing as church leaders from the Christian and Missionary Alliance Church of the Philippines are trained and receive DE resources.
  3. TWR Canada missionary and DE Ministry Ambassador McDaniel Phillips works with our DE partners around the world. Pray for him as he supports them in their work.
  4. Pray for our partner in the Middle East and North Africa, Together Network, as they train believers to share their faith and create spiritual movements using DE and other resources.
  5. Please pray for the continued translation and production of DE. Pray for the production teams, as well as for those who will use these resources.
  6. Pray for our DE Partnership Director, Tony Tira, as he discerns new opportunities to use DE, as well as strengthens partnerships and relationships that have already been established around the world.
  7. Praise God for providing DE in new languages! Please pray for those who will access the materials in the Bambara, Peruvian Quechua, Tagalog and Hiligaynon languages.

China Ministry

Our China ministry includes SOTA, our 3-4 year seminary program for the Chinese church, as well as other ministry initiatives including Discipleship Essentials, Bible Stories Alive, and training events for Chinese church leaders.

  1. Pray that SOTA students around the world would remain steadfast and dedicated to their studies. Pray that what they learn can be implemented quickly into their churches and ministries.
  2. Many of the China Ministry’s training sessions are done using online platforms. Please pray for protection over these platforms and pray that more in-person training sessions could take place safely.
  3. SOTA Director William and China Ministry Director Ruth recently went to Germany to hold the first SOTA in-person training and graduation hosted in the country in the last four years. Praise God six SOTA students celebrated graduating in Germany!
  4. Pray for new student enrolment, that more brothers and sisters in China will fervently respond to their passion and calling for mission work.
  5. Praise God for an increase in registration numbers in different SOTA fellowships and courses. Pray that the students would be encouraged by each other and motivated to learn.