TWR Canada Prayer Calendar

I Will Give You Rest

I Will Give You Rest

“And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again and will take you to myself, that where I am you may be also.” (John 14:3)

We have eternal life and an eternal home with and thanks to Jesus. Although in this world we do have trouble and sadness and weariness, a day is coming when all that will be done away with. Jesus has gone before us to prepare a place for us, an eternal home where we will have eternal rest and freedom from all the struggles that we face on earth.

Jesus says that he will give us rest and this is true both in this life and in the next. In this life, he gives us the peace, grace and strength that we need while living in a fallen world. The rest we receive here and now comes like a breath of fresh air. We won’t always experience it perfectly because this world isn’t perfect, but it is there. Jesus gives it and renews it and helps us to find it when we need it.

In the next life, there will be perfect rest. Our work, our worship, our relationships, our circumstances, our bodies and hearts and minds will all be free from the pain of a sinful world because everything will be made new.

Let us come to Jesus, trusting that he will give us rest in this life and that a day is coming when our rest will be made perfect in our eternal home.